Communicating with Humans, Communicating through Tech

“We don’t speak anymore. But you talk more than ever.” By Daniel Russell. While some differences between communicating with people and communicating with technology are noticeable, the similarities are salient.

Here are some similarities between communicating in person and communicating with technology. You can see each other”s face. You can talk with Friends and family. You can be at two family gatherings at once. Your grandparents invite you to two different family gatherings. You can go to the closest family gathering and face time the other family gathering. These are a few similarity.

  Here are some differences between communicating in person and communicating with technology. When you get cyberbullied it effects you mentally and emotionally, you may be one of thousands of suicides that die. When your bullied face to face it can be verbally and physically. You can tell someone and it can end. These are a few difference.

Now you learnd a little more about communicating or you didn’t. Eather way you know some similarities, and some differences.

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